Never try this at home. hmm.
So,, last wednesday. I went to CP to meet up with Azraei,, JR and Soong. Azraei was there early and was waiting at Yoyo Cafe for us. My dad send me there. Lol. And my mum at that time wanted to go saloon for Rajpreet's haircut. So,, she ikut me masuk CP la. Then jumpa Azraei,, and I can see from my mum' s eyes that she saying this freak must be Jinder's BF. But I try to act normal. WAKAKA. So,, my mum minta tunjuk to fgo saloon yang murah which is at the ground floor yang full pack urang tu. Wakakaak. Sapa suruh. Bagus2 p colourful building ja. Lol. Yeah. Then me and Acraei go check muvee apa showing. He wanted to watch STORM WARRIORS. And I was like you go watch it alone,, I aint wacthing some chinese drama shit here. And he was like Soong's gonna watch it also. Sa maw tengok Zombieland ka,, Couple Retreat ka,, or Princess and the Frog. Wakakaka. And last2 si Acraei and Soong watch that stupid warrior while me and JR watch SANTAU! Wakakaka. A malay horror. Lol. That muvee banyak bikin terkejut la. OK laa. Oh ya,, while waiting for JR and Soong,, me and Acraei p popular! Wakakaa. Lambat terlampau tunggu durg. Jeez. When JR reach already,, guess whu is with him? C Munkey,, Taring,, Jongos and some freak which IDK his name. LOL.
So,, time tu me and Acraei belum makan. So kami p cari makan before buying the ticket. Apabila habeh makan,, kami pun membeli ticket. So,, before the muvee starts me and JR p arcade. Then watch SANTAU. He bring this laser thing warna merah,, adaka he go point it to the screen. Wakakakaka. I laugh berabis ohh. SOT. Then,, BLABLABLA. When abis sdh. Kami semua p KFC. Ramai sangat urg beratur. C JR py dad kol him suruh pulang coz dia tidak kena trust sudah gara2 dia accident di SMSM. Wakakaka. Kotoh. Dia naik teksi lg tu pulang. Ahahhaa. RM25. So yeah,, pulang laa. Hahaha.