
Thursday, December 10, 2009


So,, today I go jalan2 with Jr,, Trevo and Nathaniel. Lol. And Im da only girl. Feel sooo offside. Wakakakaka. Jr pick me up from da house around 1.30pm like dat. WAHAHAHAHA. Before that,, he balik2 say JD TDK JD and I was like yo WTF yo. Make up your freakin damn mind. Trevo punya reason no munee kunun and da other want tidur mati. LOL. So yeah.. Moving on,, after pick me up we go to millenium minum yoyo di Farmosa Cafe? I dink la that's da name for the kedai. Den.. go KK9ball. I played oh-so-professionally. Wakakakakaka. Jr juga la blanja. Oh. and my munee was like ZERO. HAHAHA. But dun wory freak,, I'll pay you back. Well... u better hope so. Ahahaha. Got few policeman just now and da other two kasih takut2 c Jr. Lol. Then,, go Arkib. When reach there terus p tandas. And I saw da penjaga tandas sana cari kutu anak dia. Wakakakaka. Punya la sa bilang. Lol. Den stay sana dengar durg cerita2. Punya la sa bisuuu ja ni. Listening to their stupid stories. Hahahahaha. Planning kunun maw p Monsopiad. Hahaha. Suruh sa lagi tanya berapa munee to go there. Lol. Den play da playground there like retards. After that go Pagodaaa. While di traffic light near Arkib there,, I ask Jr to go the othr lane and instead he went to the other lane. Den I tersay 'WHAT A STUPID IDIOT'. Wakakakaka. And the other both was laughing and and Trevo made a new word which is W.A.S.I. stands for What A Stupid Idiot! Im not sure if it is a new word or not. but I never heard it before. Wakakakaka. When we reach there they all like budu2. Doing a Doggy-style to the guardian lion there. LOL. Hope they kena tegur nanti. Wakaakkakaka. So yeah. Den pulang looo. Hahaha. Fun jga laa. Ahahaha.
So till then,, <3.


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